Dear Jim,
A bill to de-fund NPR. And PBS. And Planned Parenthood? And as if that's not enough, why not throw in AmeriCorps and Obama's
healthcare law? Let's also slash funding for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while we're at it.
The nightmare labor, health and education bill introduced by Republicans in the House this week sounds like something out
of the Tea Party's wildest dreams.1 But since Tea Party Republicans control the House, their wildest dreams
could be about to come true.
Tea Party Republicans have tried to destroy these popular programs again and again. And we've stopped them every time. But
never have they put so much vitriol all in one bill.
In the best case scenario, this bill is just another arrogant, time-wasting exercise by Tea Party extremists who are too
obsessed with their radical partisan agenda to make any good faith effort to constructively address the many problems facing
our country.
But in the worst case, Republicans will unify around this bill as their starting point in budget negotiations to exact painful
compromises from Democrats, something we've seen too often in the past.
We need to make it clear. De-funding NPR, PBS, Planned Parenthood and AmeriCorps isn't a starting point — it's a dead
As corporate media consolidation threatens our informed democracy, only the Tea Party would think it's a good idea to de-fund
public interest media.
As the reign of private insurance companies continues to leave millions of Americans without the care they need, Tea Party
logic says to de-fund Planned Parenthood, one of the most venerable and trusted providers of health care services to women.
As banks have ravaged our economy and evaporated retirees' life savings into thin air, only the Tea Party would want to slash
Medicare and Social Security, leaving seniors and retirees out in the cold.
And as the obstructionist Republican Tea Party feeds from the trough of corporate money and turns their back on everyday
Americans in pursuit of the most radical agenda in history, only Democrats in Congress would think there was any compromising
with them.
We need to push back hard to protect funding for NPR, PBS and Planned Parenthood, and keep these vital institutions off the
chopping block.
Click below to automatically sign the petition:
Thanks for fighting back.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
CREDO Action from Working Assets
1. "House GOP Unveils Bill
To Kill AmeriCorps, End Federal Funding For NPR, PBS, Planned Parenthood," The Huffington Post, 07-17-12.
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