14 Inspiring Podcasts for Getting Out of Debt
out of debt is often a journey that takes many months to complete, not
just a few moments. Although books and guides are great for getting
started, staying on track when getting out of debt requires constant
motivation and encouragement, and podcasts are a great medium for just
that. Whether you're listening to financial experts, families who have
crawled out of the debt hole, or the latest financial news, these
podcasts offer regular, interesting insight for those who are working
to get out of debt. Subscribe to these 14 inspiring podcasts to find
the tools and knowledge you need to get out of debt and stay there.

Considered to be one of the most influential voices in debt
management and personal finance, Dave Ramsey's show is a must-listen
for anyone working their way out of debt. Listen in to learn about how
to solve your real-life financial issues with budgeting, wealth
building, and ultimately, financial peace.

Listen to Money Girl's podcast to find tips for personal finance,
real estate, and investing, all great information for getting out of
debt and staying there. This podcast is perfect for all levels,
discussing credit utilization, how to raise your credit score, and
items that you can save money on.

As one of the most recognized personal finance experts in the U.S.,
Suze Orman has a lot to say about getting out of debt. Sharing straight
talk and down-to-earth advice, listen to Suze's podcast to find out
what you are doing wrong financially and what you can do right.

From The Wall Street Journal, the Your Money Matters podcast
is full of advice for personal finance. Check out these sessions to
learn about getting out of credit card debt, working on budgeting, and
even being able to afford college tuition and retirement.

Although podcasters Spencer and Lisa Ashby are no longer updating
their podcast, it still remains as an incredibly inspirational resource
for those seeking to find a way out of a crushing debt burden. Listen
along to find out how this couple recovered from losing a business,
losing their home, and going through a million dollar lawsuit.

On the Consumerism Commentary podcast, you'll learn about issues
that matter to consumers, especially getting out of debt. The hosts of
this podcast help talk guests through money management, economic
issues, and budgeting, plus great strategies for escaping debt.

On the Man Vs. Debt podcast, Adam Baker shares his story of getting
out of debt. Follow along as Baker discusses breaking free from the
daily grind and finding control in your finances. Listen in for tips,
success stories, and helpful interviews.

For those seeking a Christian approach to debt relief,
SermonAudio.com offers an up-to-date podcast feed of the latest sermons
discussing debt. Check out this podcast to find out what the bible says
about battling debt.

Recorded for debt collectors, this podcast is full of helpful
information on your rights as a consumer when it comes to debt
collection. Find out about harassing phone calls, recording, and when
you're within your rights to sue a debt collector.

Create a new lifestyle of debt-free living with the help of the JW's
Financial Coaching podcast. Listen in to find a new perspective on your
money, finding out how guests broke free of their debt and how you can
break through your own financial barriers.

Listen to Emily Chase Smith's debt podcast to learn about dealing
with big, dumb, stupid debt. Smith discusses debt negotiation, hope,
bankruptcy, and repos with plenty of advice and humor.

This series from 2011 is a great resource for learning how you can
go to college without loads of student debt. Attend College Debt Free
discusses grants, school choice, finishing school quickly, and finding
scholarships for a smart way to graduate without going in to debt first.

Odiogo's podcast offers a discussion of debt relief, especially
credit card debt. Check out the Total Debt Relief podcast for
negotiation skills, debt settlement, and myth-busting credit card debt

One of the UK's leading debt management companies, PayPlan shares
excellent debt and credit advice to listeners. Listen in to PayPlan
Debt Advice for information about mortgages, bankruptcy, debt
management, and more.
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