Friday, August 19, 2011

One Baby Boomer's Thoughts on a Rainy Friday Morning: Thanks for Nothing

The stock markets are tanking again. Just when my modest retirement funds were back around where they were three years ago, the roller coaster takes another dip. Thank you, Republican Congressman, who serve your wealthy supports to the detriment of the nation. Thank you, Standard and Poor's, under investigation for the ratings you gave toxic assets which brought the financial structure to its knees. Thank you, Wall Street, where pigs got rich on the way up, and thanks to bonuses paid with bail out bucks, on the way down as well. Thank you state legislators and big public unions for the unfunded pension liabilities that are helping to drive state budgets to the brink of bankruptcy. Thanks you George Tennant, Dick Cheney and George Bush for putting us needlessly into Iraq, where American treasure has been poured now for some eight and a half years into a war that need never have had to been fought. And thanks to the major corporations which are sitting on a trillion dollars, which have moved millions more jobs overseas in the last few years, and which pay no US taxes on their overseas income.

Yes, thank you all on this rainy Friday morning, while wait for the markets to open and burn away even more of my meager retirement funds.

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