Sunday, August 21, 2011

From eccentric to lethal

Resolution: From now on, I will never complain to any of my neighbors about their barking dogs, screaming kids or noisy little lawn-care machines. But the day one of them starts paddling a kayak in his driveway, I'm going to report it to somebody.

Those are the lessons I've derived from the shooting rampage of Ohioan Michael Hance last week, which left seven dead and others wounded. Unlike many nuts with guns, Hance wasn't just killing at random. His victims appear to have been carefully selected, to wit, a neighbor who had complained about Hance's high grass (well, excuse me); the griping neighbor's immediate family; his girlfriend's brother (wonder what he said); her nephew. Oh, and the girlfriend ended up wounded, before Hance committed suicide by police.

And after all that, one (uninjured) neighbor commented, "He was just a regular old neighbor."

Hance reportedly was voted "most courteous" way back in high school. I guess he changed. But then again, it's the quiet types who sometimes flip out and become the shooters... at least according to this expert:

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