Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Has Obama bombed?

Reading the most recent issue of NEWSWEEK while biking at the university's recreation center today, I was surprised to see Obama slammed by two fairly prominent commentators. William Broyles, a former NEWSWEEK editor, compares the president to Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister remembered for endlessly appeasing Hitler in order to avoid the war that the world got in spite of (or perhaps because of) his policies. Broyles writes, "Chamberlain did one bold thing. He finally realized he was not the right man to lead Britain in dangerous times. He resigned so that Churchill could take over. There is one bold thing Obama could and should do. He should bow out of the race for reelection and throw his support behind Hilary Clinton --- the leader we should have chosen on the first place."

Even more caustic in his criticism of the president is Cornell West, the Princeton professor, radio host and writer. West has called Obama, a "black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs."

In 2008, I was still writing my weekly "Attorney at Large" newspaper column, where I initially predicted that the first-term senator was a flash in the pan. He proved me wrong. I then said I wouldn't vote for him, citing his gross inexperience: 2000, an Illinois state legislator, 2004 a US Senator... what kind of background is that for, arguably (if you know how to use your clout), the most powerful position in the world?

But I ended up voting for him anyway. When John McCain turned out to be an opportunistic cowboy, rather than a senior statesman, I felt I had no choice.

Since then, Obama has in fact underwhelmed me, as he obviously has disappointed Broyles and West. All the same, my daughter, who graduated from college last year and is living at home, trying to make it as a freelancer, enjoys the benefits of our health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. No other president succeeded in enacting comprehensive health care reform.

Bush inherited a nation at peace with a balanced budget. He ran up the national debt from $3.4 trillion to $11 trillion, and left us with two wars... at least one of which was launched on a wave of flat-out lies.

So, Obama is criticized for too many compromises with a greedy, insatiable GOP right wing. Too true. The Republican myth that we can climb out of the hole we dug purely by growth with no new taxes is just that... a myth. Since the Grand Old Teaparty seems determined to starve the federal beast, no matter the body count rung up in the process, Obama needs to strap on a big brass set of them and show some vigorous, gutsy leadership... take the gloves off... no more Mr. Nice Guy.

I favored Hilary CLinton in 2008 and I'd vote for her in a heartbeat now. But I don't expect to get that chance. Consequently, Cornell and Company, we have to get behind our man in the Oval Office. Let's hope he gets behind us, as well.

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