Monday, September 2, 2013

Hey! It's Labor Day!! Let's get on board!!!

The email below is from Nancy Salgado, who makes $8.25 an hour working at a McDonald's in Chicago. Just days ago Nancy and thousands of her coworkers went on a national strike to pressure fast food giants to pay their workers a fair wage. This fight and others like it are an important part of the fight for economic justice, and on this Labor Day CREDO is proud to stand in solidarity with Nancy and her coworkers. We urge you to support Nancy and her fellow strikers by signing her petition.

CREDO Mobilize
Tell America's fast-food giants: The time is now to raise wages for your workers!

Sign the petition ►
Dear Jim,
Last Thursday I joined a national strike against low pay by thousands of fast food workers in cities across the country.
I went on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices. And I want more for my kids -- and their future -- than just barely "getting by."
On behalf of striking fast-food workers across the country, I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition, which is to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's, asks the following:
Together, your restaurants employ millions of people. Millions of people, mostly adults, who can't afford rent if they want to eat. Who can't afford health care if they want to pay their bus fare. Millions of people, and more than 25% of them are parents who can't afford school supplies if they also have to buy school shoes.
Last year your combined profits were $7.35 billion. Yet you still paid most of your workers less than $11,200 a year – poverty wages. It’s shameful. And outrageous.
We call on you to raise wages for your workers.
By now, everyone knows that fast food employees like me can’t make ends meet on minimum wage or barely more. They know how incredibly profitable -- and out of touch -- the corporations we work for are. They know – and you know – that something has to change. Starting now.
We need to know you have our backs -- please help us send the fast food chains we work for a message that people are with us in this fight.
Thank you for your support.
Nancy Salgado
Sign the petition ►

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