Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Writer offers five lessons from 9/11

Five Lessons We’re Glad We Learned After 9/11 By Keli Goff | May 2nd, 2011 | Comments: 1
Just as most of us will never forget where we were on 9/11/2001, most of us will never forget where we were on 5/1/2011, the evening that the world was told that Osama bin Laden, the man responsible for causing so much unforgettable pain on 9/11, was dead.

Joe Heller / Green Bay Press-Gazette (click for more Osama bin Laden cartoons)
For many Americans the announcement brought some element of closure, for others it brought back the pain of that day. Nearly ten years later we are a nation still living under the ghost known as grief. But despite that day being the result of one of humanity’s most cowardly acts, there were countless acts of courage and kindness from that day worth remembering and honoring. As a New Yorker that day and now, I try not to dwell on the pain and fear that stemmed from that morning but instead on the many moments in which my fellow man and woman were inspired by that day to live up to the very best of what the human race has to offer. With that in mind below please find 5 lessons that I’m glad we all learned after 9/11.
More: http://blog.cagle.com/2011/05/five-lessons-we’re-glad-we-learned-after-911/

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