Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weigh in against high student-loan interest rates

Dear Jim,
Something is terribly wrong when Americans owe more on student loans than they do on credit card debt or auto loans. Worse, if the U.S. Senate doesn't act now, the interest rates charged on college debt are set to double this summer.

Tell your Senators that working families can't afford higher interest rates on student debt.

I can't even keep track of how many times over the last few years I've heard elected officials say that the path to a competitive workforce runs through our nation's colleges. Now, the debt from getting those college educations is keeping many young people from starting families, living independently or even buying homes of their own. This isn't just hurting the economy, it's destroying the dreams of a generation and the hopes of their parents.

Why are Americans being penalized for playing by the rules and getting exactly the kind of education we've been told would lead to a better life? Why are students paying higher interest rates than the bankers who broke the job market? It doesn't make any sense.

Tell your Senators to stop the student loan interest rate hike. Working people can't afford it.

In solidarity,

Peter Colavito
Director of Government Relations
Service Employees International Union

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