Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Webinar: Strategies for Community College Success

Community colleges are in a process of reinvention. Decreased funding is taking a critical toll on instruction, student services, access, and completion. With steadily decreasing resources, the community college system seems to be getting closer to losing its key mission of access for all. In effect, the system is being forced to reconsider how to meet its mission to provide opportunities for students to achieve their goals.
As the usual funding sources diminish, it is necessary to develop strategies to identify new resources and partners, and reconsider how to deliver instruction and services to continue to support student achievement and success. This webinar will address ways in which community colleges can develop efficient strategies that will allow them to be more competitive.

 The "completion agenda" refers to the increased emphasis on graduating a substantially larger number of students in a quicker time frame. There are efforts underway, such as the Voluntary Framework of Accountability, that aim to better align the measures of institutional performance. These measures are being defined by community colleges themselves, creating a renewed focus on not only bringing students into college, but also supporting them along the way so that they can earn a degree within a reasonable amount of time.
This webinar will focus on the "completion agenda" which has become a critical measurement tool for student success. It can also affect accreditation, apportionment and long-term survival. The presenters will address ways in which community colleges must adapt to their students' and graduates' rapidly changing world.

The central purpose and mission of a community college has never been more important. As funding decreases and inevitable reinvention occurs, college officials must refocus on the basics with a priority on offering skills training, career and technical programs, and support for those students moving on to a four-year degree.
As the usual funding sources diminish, it is necessary to develop strategies to identify new resources and partners, and reconsider how to deliver instruction and services to continue to support student achievement and success. This webinar will address ways in which community colleges can develop efficient strategies that will allow them to be more competitive.

Upcoming Webinars
Tracking and Retaining Commuter Students: How To Engage Your Off-Campus Population

Increasing The Effectiveness Of The Community College Financial Model

The Key To Community College Survival: Staying Competitive With Fewer Resources

The Completion Agenda: Engaging, Retaining, & Graduating Community College Students

Tracking and Retaining Commuter Students: How To Engage Your Off-Campus Population

Innovative Educators

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