"1 Student Veteran" continues to triage inquiries on benefits
As a result of the
ongoing shutdown, the Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill hotline
remains offline, meaning veterans have very few places to turn for
reliable information on accessing their earned GI Bill benefits. To
counter the lack of customer service, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States (VFW) and Student Veterans of America (SVA) are once
again informing veterans that the "1 Student Veteran" system is fully
open for the business of helping to answer benefits. Those with
questions about the GI Bill, or other benefits should email 1studentveteran@vfw.org for timely assistance.
"This shutdown has
further complicated an already difficult process student veterans must
navigate when seeking to use their earned education benefits," said SVA
executive director Wayne Robinson. "While veterans no longer have access
to many VA resources, the '1 Student Veteran' program remains open to
provide direct assistance and answers to veterans in a timely manner.
Together with the VFW, SVA remains committed to working with student
veterans and institutions nationwide to address their concerns and find a
suitable solution to this problem."
its introduction in June, the team behind "1 Student Veteran" has
answered hundreds of inquiries on dozens of issues like benefits
inaccuracies, available support services, and even to clarify the VA
benefits student veterans are eligible to receive. Veterans who
send a message to "1 Student Veteran" receive a reply within 24 hours
or the next business day from a VFW staff member who specializes
in student veteran issues.
"This irresponsible
government shutdown has already affected countless student-veterans,
which is why we have the obligation to ensure that '1 Student Veteran'
helps fill the information void," said VFW Commander-in-Chief Bill
Thien. "The shutdown has not only cut off the direct line to VA, but it
has also left veterans wondering whether or not their benefits will be
delivered on time. This is why the VFW and SVA stand ready to answer
those difficult questions in a timely manner."
Read the full release
About Student Veterans of America
SVA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit coalition of over 850 student
veteran organizations on college campuses globally. SVA's mission is to
provide military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy
needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.
About the Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the U.S. is a nonprofit veterans' service organization
composed of combat veterans and eligible military service members from
the active, Guard and Reserve forces. Founded in 1899 and chartered by
Congress in 1936, the VFW is the nation's largest organization of
war veterans and its oldest major veterans' organization. With nearly 2
million VFW and Auxiliary members located in more than 7,000 Posts
worldwide, "NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS." The VFW and its Auxiliaries
are dedicated to veterans' service, legislative advocacy, and military
and community service programs worldwide. For more information or to
join, visit our webs www.vfw.org.
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