Image: graur razvan ionut /
The evidence is growing to support from view that the anemic recovery on the employment front is not merely an aspect of the "normal" business cycle, but that it also reflects disturbing structural elements, i.e.,
1. Globalization of capital, corporations, and the job market (even in such seemingly untouchable service professions as law, accounting and IT), and
2. the rise of the robots (that is the progress of IT technology outpacing our ability to replace the jobe the robots eat with new jobs).
This may be one reason why Fed Chair Ben Bernanke continues to worry about the alleged recovery. In a recent speech he ruminated that businesses may have dug a little too deeply into their workforces during the Great Recession, laying off more of us than was required. Consequently, the most recent 8.3% unemployed figure may reflect rehiring that does not reflect true growth but merely a correction of that error.

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