James -- When we first launched the Truth Team site, I asked you to write back with your thoughts. Many of you sent some great feedback on how we can work together to set the record straight. One thing stood out: You want to see the Truth Team on Facebook. So this week, I'm excited to introduce you to the Truth Team Facebook page. You'll find content from our site right on your newsfeed, and you'll be able to get the word out in real time as we post new items. We'll continue working to make the Truth Team as effective as possible. And remember, you're always welcome to drop me a line with your suggestions at truthteam@barackobama.com. Now, here's this week's tipsheet -- take a look, and arm yourself with the facts. #1 WOMEN'S HEALTH CAN BE "MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE"? Thursday, the Senate voted down a bill that would have allowed employers to deny women coverage for birth control and any "objectionable" medical service, possibly even flu shots. Senators Roy Blunt and Marco Rubio's amendment would have allowed any employer -- not religious institutions, because they are already exempt -- to make this call on behalf of their female employees. That means a woman's boss at a restaurant, retail store, law firm or anywhere would have control over what health care she could receive. After an hour during which he was on the record opposed to it, Mitt Romney said, in typical flip flop fashion, "Of course I support that amendment." Of course he does. And we can thank him for paving the way -- he also said he would have supported a "personhood" amendment in Massachusetts, which could have banned abortion in any circumstance, some contraception, and even fertility treatments like IVF. Get the facts out: #2 WHY THE GOP THINKS GAS PRICES ARE HIGH The truth is, there's no silver bullet that can bring gas prices down. But according to Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, "The doubling of gas prices ... is a conscious policy of this administration." That's an imaginary plot spread by our opponents that contradicts the facts: Under President Obama's leadership, our dependence on foreign oil reached a 16-year low, and the toughest-ever fuel economy standards will save Americans $8,000 per car by 2025. Share what the President has accomplished to lessen the pain at the pump: #3 ROMNEY'S MIDDLE-CLASS TAX CUT CLAIM This week, Mitt Romney said: "[President Obama] also promised he'd cut taxes for middle-income Americans. Hasn't done that, either." But just days ago, President Obama signed the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, extending the payroll tax cut, and giving working Americans a total of $110 billion in tax relief. That's about $1,000 in working families' pockets this year. And that's not even the beginning of the tax relief middle-class families have seen. For some contrast: Romney's own tax plan mainly involves showering tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans, but barely anything for the middle class. Don't let this lie gain traction while flying under the radar: #4 TAX FAIRNESS: INFOGRAPHIC Check out this new infographic showing how a typical American couple pays a higher tax rate than millionaires. President Obama's Buffett Rule would close the tax loopholes that make this possible, and ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share -- something many are glad to do. Share the infographic: As Senator Blunt said this week, right after his over-reaching amendment failed in the Senate: This fight is far from over. And with Super Tuesday coming right up, Republican candidates will be on the spot to court their Tea Party base, so here's to having all the facts on hand. Thanks, Stephanie P.S. -- Infamous oil profiteers Charles and David Koch claim that their front group, "Americans for Prosperity," is made up of "tens of thousands of folks" from "all walks of life." So campaign manager Jim Messina wrote the Kochs a letter with one request: Prove it by actually disclosing your donors. You can add your name to Messina's letterhere. | ![]() |
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