April 2012
In This Edition
• Message from President Mark T. Clark, Ph.D. • REMINDER: Call for Papers: Fifth Annual ASMEA Conference • REGISTER NOW: Fifth Annual ASMEA Conference • New Scholars Join Academic Council • Book Notes • ASMEA Members in the Media • Announcements • ASMEA Job Bank
In just a few weeks, the ASMEA Conference Committee will make its selections from the submitted paper proposals for presentation at the upcoming Fifth Annual Conference. If you would like to present your latest research or scholarly paper at the Conference, now is the time to submit your proposal. The deadline for submission is Tuesday, May 15. 
The Conference program is coming together and we are anticipating another stimulating and fascinating series of panels, roundtables, and speakers. We are pleased to confirm two major addresses will be delivered by two outstanding scholars: Prof. Kanan Makiya and Dr. Gérard Prunier. In addition, we are currently working on discussions that will address such timely issues as Iran, Turkey, South Sudan, and the Arab Spring. Be sure to guarantee your seat at the Fifth Annual ASMEA Conference on October 11-13, 2012 in Washington, DC by registering today.
I am honored to announce that Prof. Sabri Sayari and Prof. Moshe Sharon have recently joined the ASMEA Academic Council. I am confident that the ASMEA community will benefit greatly from their scholarship and leadership.
Finally, in advance of his highly anticipated memoir, ASMEA Chairman Prof. Bernard Lewis was profiled in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The piece also mentions his motivation to found ASMEA.
As always, we look forward to hearing from you and I would like to encourage your active participation in ASMEA. We remain honored to count you among our ranks.
 Mark T. Clark, Ph.D. President, ASMEA Professor of Political Science Director, National Security Studies Program, California State University, San Bernardino
REMINDER: Call for Papers: 5th Annual ASMEA Conference History and the "New" Middle East and Africa October 11-13, 2012 Key Bridge Marriott Hotel * Washington, D.C.
ASMEA is currently seeking proposals for paper presentations at the 2012 annual conference. Members from any discipline, tenured or untenured faculty or those otherwise affiliated with a recognized research institution may submit proposals to participate in the conference. Unique proposals from senior graduate students (ABD) will also be considered. Abstracts on topics related to the Middle East and Africa should consist of a one-page outline of the proposed subject to be presented. A recent C.V. and all contact data must be attached to the proposal (name, e-mail, phone number, affiliation). The due date for proposals is Tuesday, May 15, 2012.Proposals should be sent to: info@asmeascholars.org. Completed papers are due by August 31, 2012.
Referees and Discussants
ASMEA Members interested in participating in the conference as referees of papers or discussants should contact ASMEA by e-mail with a letter of interest containing the topics that can be covered. Please include a C.V. and all current contact data (name, e-mail, phone number) and a brief recitation of your past experience in these roles. Send e-mail to: info@asmeascholars.org.
5th Annual ASMEA Conference
The 2012 conference will feature:
• Banquet luncheon and keynote address.
• Featured presentations by leading policymakers and scholars including Prof. Kanan Makiya on "The Realities of the Arab Spring Nearly Two Years Later" and Dr. Gérard Prunier on “The African Arab Spring.”
• Panel discussions on top academic research in Middle Eastern and African studies, and related disciplines.
• Professional networking reception.
• Displays by publishers of the latest academic titles.
• Film screenings.
Registration fees:
Full/Associate Members: $60** Log in here.
Student Members: $30** Log in here.
Non-Members: $150** Register here.
If you have trouble logging in, please contact us at 202-429-8860.
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