Friday, September 16, 2011

An Outsourcing Travesty: California's new Bay Bridge built in China

Here's one to get you scratching your head, if not screaming your head off: Because a Chinese steel producer was the low bidder by $400 million on the multi-billion dollar Bay Bridge project, it got the contract to fabricate the bridge's steel components. The Chinese workers doing the job earn $12.00 per day. That's right... not per hour... per day.
California currently has a 12% unemployment rate. Do you suppose that the state will expend more than $400 million on unemployment and welfare payments that can be connected at least indirectly to the American jobs lost because of this short-sighted, unpatriotic, and just plain wooden-headed decision?

Image: Arvind Balaraman /

Touted as a rival to the Golden Gate bridge when completed, the Bay Bridge should be viewed as a monument to America's abrogation of its super-power status to China... a bridge of shame and retreat.

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