Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hilary Clinton for president?

She was my first choice in 2008. I felt that Obama lacked the necessary experience. After all, in 2000 he was a mere Illinois state legislator, who had just gotten his butt kicked by the incumbent South-side Chicago Congressman in the Democratic primary. In 2008 he was a US Senator with only 4 years of national experience. Mrs. Clinton, by contrast, brought ample experience to the table. Her ability has been tested and proven by nearly 7 years as Obama's Secretary of State.

But, warned husband Bill today, former VEEP Dick Cheney's suggestion that Clinton take on Obama for the nomination is only intended to sow discord in the Democratic Party:

Still, the President, true to my own expectations, appears to be --- as my Old Man might have said --- "too light in the pants" to handle the challenges being posed by the GOP, the economy, the national debt, the two-front war, etc. Perhaps, like LBJ in 1968, he should step aside and let a tougher, gutsier colleague have her turn at bat.

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