Saturday, April 12, 2014

Freelancer Dan Bloom offers this review of a new Cli Fi novel

Three friends struggle to overcome the nearly total degeneration of
their environment in a powerful cli fi novel by David Dodd of Fish
Creek, Wisconsin titled  "NOY World: A Futuristic Tale of Devastation
and Devolution.".

The climate thriller depicts life following catastrophic climate
change on Earth, leaving a planet that can barely support life. Gone
are culture and government, and time is kept not by clocks and
calendars but by the sun and moon.

Relatively few survivors live a stark existence in widely separated
villages and are dominated by NOY, the ruling class that controls
every detail of their lives. Three friends -- Karina, Roberto and
Daniella -- tell the story as they risk moving to separate villages to
pursue a better future.

Dodd, a former psychologist who has written two earlier novels,
understands very well what the future may hold for humankind in terms
of increasing
climate change impacts and global warming events, and says:  "People,
including experts, who contemplate climate change generally focus on
only the next several decades and assume that coping with the shifting
environment will require sacrifices that are relatively small, perhaps
mere inconveniences. Few, however, consider the very long-term
consequences of catastrophic change that could potentially wipe out
social structure and culture as we know it."

"NOY World" asks readers to consider such a future world and whether
curiosity, passion and risk-taking will be sufficient to survive.

Dodd, who is his 60s, writes fiction focused on individual potential
and the power of family. "NOY World" and Dodd's previous novels, "Star
Shooting" and "Star Dawning," are available through online retailers.

More information about Dodd and his books is available online at


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